Here’s what our satisfied customers are saying…
Linda is seeing my 21 year old daughter, I have seen more positive changes in my daughter after 6 months of therapy with Linda than her previous 6 years of traditional counselling.
When I first came into Linda‘s office three years ago my life was in disarray and I barely knew it. My relationship, job and social life were all dark and dead-end. Working with Linda has been a journey to self love and self acceptance that I don’t believe would have been possible without her.
Linda patiently walked me through and helped me realize that I was able to change and improve these areas of my life. She provided much-needed honesty, support, references, guides, tools and healings that removed the veils I was hiding behind.
Through our work I have been able to finally embrace changes that once would’ve paralyzed me in fear. I have a sense of self, self respect and self awareness. I have been able to move forward and excel in my career. I have been able to move on from destructive relationships and reconcile with family. I’ve been able to focus on my personal health and well-being to combat unhealthy addictions and behaviors.
Linda’s unique approach and method is intuitive and tailored to my life, my experiences and my needs. She’s been a constant champion for me and been the light when I had to walk through dark times. I am grateful for our continued work and would highly recommend her services.
“Linda has a rare ability to foster real personal transformation by combining intuitive counseling with incredibly powerful energy healing techniques. I worked with several classical therapists before I met Linda, but could never make any meaningful progress beyond intellectualizing my issues. Linda’s holistic approach was so much more effective, and for the first time, allowed me to really heal.”
Linda…thank you so, so much! Your energy work is nothing less than miraculous. My head is still clear from our last session 10 days ago, which to me was unexpected, not to mention a major blessing, as I can function again! As you know, I had horrific dizziness/vertigo from pre- and post-emergency surgery drugs and procedures, (in addition to the aftermath of general anesthesia) and I had been so foggy and miserable for the past 6 weeks that I was pretty much good for nothing. During our session you probably did all of 5 minutes hands-on energy work and I guess I wasn’t expecting those amazing skills of yours to do all that they did for me. I can see straight, walk straight and function…and it’s seriously an amazing feeling to have that dark cloud lifted! I am ever so grateful! You truly have many incredible gifts, and I feel particularly blessed that you went in the direction you chose to with me, as you ‘freed’ me! Needless to say, I am now a huge believer in energy healing; well, energy healing from the right practitioner! Looking forward to working with you again and again.
I had no hesitations working with Linda and was actively looking for a spiritual approach to intuitive counseling. I had worked with a conventional therapist for three years prior to Linda and I now wanted to integrate a more holistic approach to dealing with unresolved trauma. My sessions with Linda have been life-changing. Besides the counseling, which feels like a classroom for my soul I have greatly benefited from the energy healing, books, journaling and purification methods. With Linda’s guidance, I am learning to recognize lifelong negative thoughts and patterns, to confront my co-dependency issues, to listen to and speak my own truth and to live with a greater sense of joy and peace! I would highly recommend Linda and her work to anyone looking for a holistic and spiritual approach to therapy. She is a truly caring, sincere and honest individual whose gifts as a therapist have helped me to heal, grow and approach life from a more loving and self-aware place.
Anyone who works with Linda is truly getting a blessing from God. Before I started working with Linda, I felt so lost emotionally and spiritually. I had seen several therapists many different times throughout my life that I didn’t know if there was anyone out there that could help me. I couldn’t tell you how I was feeling at any point in time, and I didn’t love or appreciate myself. She has given me so many tools and so much knowledge that now I feel like a completely different person from the one who walked through her door a couple of years ago. She made me realize my patterns in relationships, how my family DNA has affected me, and how I can change it all to create the awesome life that I deserve. She has helped me find and love my inner and outer self. I’m not sure where I would be today without her help, but I do know that I have changed for the better. I know myself more than I ever have before and I’m learning to love who I am more and more every day.
Linda is a very intuitive, spiritual therapist who integrates practical advice for dealing with life’s issues. I highly recommend her.
Linda helped me lift myself out of grief, move through my past, evaluate my present, and discover the future I want to build to live my best life. I offer the highest recommendation for her work, and the results we have achieved together.
“Linda is a healer who heals with words. I am able to develop awareness and clarity in a space of truth and non-judgment. Linda helped me resolve issues of trauma, anxiety, low self-esteem and connect with my life’s purpose. I am grateful for the past six years.” She has helped me get healthy and grow and her sessions are emotional at times but her honesty and truthfulness is outstanding.
I’ve worked with Linda for 4 years now and have learned so many useful tools and practices that have aided me tremendously. I am grateful for the wisdom and care in each of the sessions and recommend her for healing work for those who may not know where to begin.
Simple Steps to Success
As I assisted clients with Energy Healing, Intuitive Counseling, Chakra Healing, and Education, I welcomed the opportunity to fully express my spiritual gifts, supported by the wisdom and experience I gained through my Eastern and Western Training. Light and darkness, love and fear are the ruling spirits of our lives.

Make a decision
I want change in my life!
I want to achieve my whole mind, body, and spiritual potential and uncover patterns, beliefs, and emotions to take charge of my health and well-being.
Schedule a meeting
I have hope!
Linda crafts a tailored program with me from her broad expertise so I can achieve physical and mental balance. For over forty years, Linda has helped thousands of clients balance their bodies and minds.
Show Commitment
I take responsibility and accountability!
I am ready to treat physical and emotional ailments by strengthening my body and spirit by releasing negative energy, facilitating self-awareness, and building emotional strength and confidence.
Transformation Completed
The incredible, transformational power purifies my mind and heart!
When a person releases unforgiveness and bitterness, God's grace floods a person's life and health.
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