The Experiencing God Gathering Strengthened My Faith & Trust

I Hear God Through Symbolic Action, A Gentle Whisper & Scripture

The Experiencing GOD gatherings are inspiring, and I cannot believe it has been a year since the establishment of this group. I was blessed to have found a group with a leader who understood Christian Faith Healing and Holistic Energy Medicine. I have strengthened my faith as we meet each week on Saturday morning. I can tell you how it all began for me.

I met Linda Darin before the Saturday morning group at her office in NYC to remove negative energy from my body through the Holy Spirit. She was the instrument to do the healing. The following year I had surgery, and during my recovery, I heard the inner voice say, “Call Linda.” I thought, “Oh yes, the perfect person to continue the healing process for a speedy recovery.” So I called Linda, told her my situation, and started the session. At the same time, Linda suggested the book Experiencing GOD to me since the Holy Spirit gave me her name. I ordered the book immediately. Then she mentioned having a group meeting to go over each chapter. I was excited because the book is excellent. The chapters already relate to my experience with HIM, which was on target. Right away, I felt the author’s experience with GOD is accurate, and HE IS ALIVE in us.

Although I met Linda in her New York City office for the first time to remove negative energy from my body, I was now online doing distance healing sessions during my cancer treatment. How amazing that God is present in the office and online!

In the book, Chapter 10, “GOD speaks to his People.” and “Some of the ways people heard GOD speak in the Old Testament” (pg. 134), he gives some examples, but for me, it was through symbolic action, miraculous signs, a gentle whisper, and scriptures. I was praying and looking at the cloud. I saw GOD’s face and was reading Psalm 104, the confirmation it was HIM in verses 2-4, “(2) The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent (3) and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waves. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. (4) He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants.” (NIV). I saw a round face with eyes in the clouds. My interpretation of what GOD was saying to me was, “You are going to be fine – you’ve responded to my command.” It all began here; as I was doing the sessions, I felt his presence and saw the light come over me. I felt the healing throughout my body. Linda was HIS instrument to heal me.

I have to testify now how the Lord played a significant role in me during the process before the procedure. I was bleeding too much and passed menopause. However, I had fibroids in the past; they were removed but came back again. My OB/GYN told me many times to have my uterus removed, but I refused. Finally, I knew it was getting serious when I bled so much that I received a blood transfusion twice.

Once again, my OB/GYN said, I am going to leave the room, and you think about it. All of a sudden, I felt this peacefulness come over me. It was the Lord to give me the “green light” to go ahead with the procedure. When my doctor returned, I told her about my experience and the visit I received, and we set the date to have the surgery. During the surgery prep, I kept saying, “Jesus, I Trust in You.” After the surgery, I kept on saying it. The diagnosis was that I had uterine cancer. The good news was that the Oncologist told me they found it in one of the lymph nodes out of four, and it was very early. The cell was small; they used a microscope to identify the size. The cell stayed inside my uterus and did not go through the wall. It was the reason for the heavy bleeding. I had to go for the treatment with chemo and radiation as if I had the disease to be on the safe side. The treatment for chemo and radiation was six months. I have no experience as someone who has the disease fully blown. I was blessed that it did not develop and spread.

After the third treatment, I did not want to continue because of how it made me feel. One day as I was taking a shower, I looked up from the bathroom window and saw GOD’s face again in the cloud and an angel’s wing. Right away, I surrendered and told GOD I would continue with the treatments to the end. On the last day, I had a male nurse administer the treatment. It was the angel Raphael because he checked on me every five minutes. He was gentle and promised me I would not have any mark where the IV was. The female nurses’ past treatment left a spot where I had the IV. The male nurse was extra special to me. He was the angel I saw in the cloud. GOD did it again, and HE showed up because I was obedient. Another confirmation was through GOD’s word. I was praying with a friend in Trinidad, and we were reading Exodus (NIV). In Exodus 15:26, “He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your GOD and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.” I knew HE healed, and HIS work was done with Linda’s additional healing. GOD is good; I told him I trusted him all along.

My relationship with GOD is very intimate. I see him as my boyfriend because of my conversation with him, as if HE is right next to me. He would wake me up early in the morning to write. It was a period when I would wake up at 3 am to write or pray. Lately, the time has moved to 5 am As described in Chapter 12 -” GOD speaks through the Bible” When GOD speaks to you through the Bible, He relates to you personally” pg 167 “For the word of GOD is living and effective sharper than a two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide soul, spirit, joints, and marrow; it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart.” Heb 4:12 (NIV) (pg 166)

I have learned much more about GOD as a person because HIS WORD is so real. When writing in my journal, HE always gives me a scripture to relate to what I am writing. It confirms it was coming directly from HIM. I have time with him at home or church and ask him if HE has something to say to me.

When we meet on Saturdays in the Experiencing God gathering, we discuss the chapters and express how we experienced GOD. This group discusses repentance, forgiveness, and being true to yourself. GOD is TRUTH; we cannot fool GOD because HE knows us and our hearts. HE talks to our hearts, and the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. At the moment, the group is small and intimate. We learn and teach one another, sharing whatever one is going through, and there is no judgment. We respect and support each other. We are very open to the topic of GOD helping and guiding us. It allowed us to understand the trials and tribulations we are going through.

Linda connects with the Holy Spirit; the Spirit leads her in what to teach. Not all the time do we cover a chapter in the book. On one Saturday, we discussed Passover. It was interesting because I had no idea about the process of celebrating Passover. I have learned that what is in the Old Testament (prediction) came to being in the New Testament. Now I understand the process. We also covered the Fruits and the Gifts of the Spirit. Also, the group is open to all faiths, not restricted to one religion. We are focusing on an intimate relationship with GOD, and hearing HIM. We learn from one another. Having the book to relate to and answer the questions at the end of each chapter is excellent and helpful. We also read the Bible scriptures that are in the chapter. Linda is a good teacher and a humble person. She wants us to participate and be engaged and share our experience for the week or based on the topic we discuss. It is a safe and comforting environment in the presence of love. When I leave, I am full of energy, and I feel the excitement!

Another testimony I have relates to obedience. I was going to take an exam to be certified in Health and Wellness Coaching. I asked GOD if I should pursue it, and the answer was a strong “no.” However, two weeks after, I received a call from my Pastor to meet with him to discuss a program. The Pastor prayed on it and chose 12 parishioners to attend “Encounter Ministery” for two years. It is a ministry to do what the “12 disciples” did when Jesus taught them to go out and spread the good news and heal those that need healing. I will not be the healer; it will be Jesus doing the healing. I will be the instrument like how Linda was with me during my healing sessions. I was obedient and enrolled in the program. GOD was so correct that it would be bigger and better. I will bring people back to him through their faith and beliefs.

GOD did it again in my life. He showed me a symbol in my bedroom. I was peeling paint from my wall, and it formed into a bird. It was the Holy Spirit cut out on my wall. Again, confirmation of my decision to enroll in the ministry program. GOD constantly shows signs to get my attention. My assignment is the ministry since I was on medical leave and am now retired. He had the assignment ready for me as I was preparing for retirement.

I show up every Saturday to hear what GOD has to teach us, and the Holy Spirit is always present. However, the Holy Spirit sometimes convicts us, and we can understand better why specific issues can cause us to feel stuck. We can also see how much GOD loves us despite our flaws. The relationship with GOD is concrete when we meet. You never know what to expect because GOD is magnificent and awesome. We love him with all our hearts. We come with a clear mind, eyes open, and hearts ready to receive.

Thank you, Linda, for this group because I have grown closer to GOD and deepened my faith. The book is second to the Bible because of the references we can search for and understand it better. It was a fantastic year with the group, and we have grown closer and more aware of GOD’s work in our lives.

I look forward to our next group, on October 22nd, 2022 to Experience GOD even deeper. It is all so amazing and exciting! My life has never been the same since I follow GOD’s voice.